Email Marketing – What Is It and Why Use It?

Email Marketing – What Is It and Why Use It?

Antique Envelope

We all use email every day. Some of it we want, and some of it we don’t. The messages that rise to the top – the ones we open and actually read through – are doing email marketing successfully. They’ve figured out how to get the right message to the right customer at the right time. So what really is email marketing?

You may read the words email marketing and think, ActiVert – are you seriously asking me if I know what email marketing is right now? And actually – I am. See, it’s easy to gloss over email marketing as something that just happens. It just shows up in your inbox, trying to sell you tea, or coffee, or shoes. But it’s way more complicated than that. There’s a lot that goes into email marketing, and we’re going to explore that journey, together.

Let’s begin at the beginning. It all starts when your customer has a need. Since we’re all a little coffee obsessed around here (seriously – we have two different coffee makers), let’s say she needs a bag of dark, oily, whole coffee beans for her grind and brew coffee maker. She’s going to go search for dark roast coffee. With any luck, your site is going to pop up in the top search results. She goes to your page, adds her email to your form to get her discount code or newsletter, and then leaves your site to bargain shop. You may be thinking that the sale is lost at this point. You would be wrong.

Your form is going to trigger you to send a newsletter or coupon code or some kind of communication to that customer to remind her to come back to your site. You’ll entice her with words and pictures of fresh brewed cups of coffee in front of a window and bags of fresh beans sitting on counters. The next time she logs into her email, your message will be there waiting for her, reminding her that she liked what you have to offer.

Remember when I said that email marketing isn’t a simple process? Here’s why: Before that customer ever logs onto your site and gives you her email, you’ve been working hard in the background, designing forms, creating email automations, and formulating sales funnels. You’ve been making sure that you know your target audience and understand their needs, something called segmentation (that we’ll talk about in another blog). And if you haven’t? Well, you’re losing out on 33% of your business.

Studies have shown that email is one of the most successful marketing methods out there – even more than social platforms! Just one dollar spent on email marketing can have a $40 ROI (return on investment). With numbers like that you can’t afford not to be investing in your email marketing!

Email marketing may seem like a simple process on the front end, but behind the scenes, there are a lot of moving parts going into every sale! A solid marketing plan and an understanding of writing email that sell are crucial in today’s market, and if you don’t have that, then you may be missing out.

Contact us today for a quote for email marketing and automation!